Registry Cleaner merupakan aplikasi Freeware yang cepat dan handal untuk registry cleaner Windows.
Dengan program ini kita dapat Scan Registry, Fix Registry Errors, Repair Registry Files, Remove DLL Errors, dan juga meningkatkan kinerja komputer.
Fitur Registry Cleaner :
- Speed Up Your PC : With Registry Cleaner Free, your computer is under all-way protection. It systematically scans and removes invalid registry entries, junk files and more, as well as do system optimization, enhancing your PC to the utmost performance.
- 100% Free : It’s true. Via this advanced program, you can reclaim your first bought computer with only a few clicks for FREE.
- Fast & Easy : Enjoy milliseconds scanning experience, with even faster fixing speed. User-friendly interface design, only need a few clicks.
- All-in-one : Besides the Registry Fix function, other built-in tools include Privacy Sweep, Junk Files Removal, System Optimization, etc. All these tasks can be settled in one go
- Fully Automated : On running this program, it defaults to the quick registry scan option, including four problem areas. It also automatically creates backup files before deleting obsolete entries from your registry.
Cara download : Klik link Download kemudian muncul, tunggu 5 detik dan cari tombol SKIP AD yang berada di sebelah kanan atas monitor.
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